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Mission and Vision


To be acceptable to God in bringing to reality God’s Word
through Edification, Evangelism and Benevolence.



The three elements of this mission statement are consistent with the practices of the first century New Testament church, and reflect our determination to please God in all that we do. Edification is our resolve to equip members of the church so they will be strong Christians and well-balanced members of society. Evangelism embodies our obligation to teaching God’s word and thereby bringing others to acceptance of the gospel of Christ.  Benevolence is our commitment to care for those who need our help with the necessities of life as Christ did.
The continuous alignment of our efforts to this mission assures us of doing what Christ would do were he physically present in the community now.


Our vision is to be a church in which our mission of Edification, Evangelism and Benevolence lead us to a culture in which we equip, encourage and experience the power of all members being actively engaged in the following:


Genuine Worship   

The Work of the Church

Loving One Another

Valuing and Studying God’s Word

Leading Others to Christ

Impacting the Community




© 2020 Schrader Lane Church of Christ, Nashville, TN

Schrader Lane Church of Christ

1234 Schrader Lane

Nashville, TN 37208



Tel: (615) 329-0950

Fax: (615) 329-0368

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