"Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father,
and the Son, and the Holy Ghost." - Matt. 28:19

Jefferson Street Building

West Building

East Building
Historical Summary of Schrader Lane Church of Christ
The Schrader Lane Church of Christ is a congregation of believers whose intent is to carry out God’s purposes in our daily living as well as in all of our worship, ministry and administrative practices. Originally known as the Jefferson Street Church of Christ, members have been identified with the congregation since 1918 when we were located at 1400 Jefferson Street, Nashville Tennessee. Later, skilled craftsmen of the congregation constructed a building at 2521 Jefferson Street. We have assembled at our current location -1234 Schrader Lane, Nashville Tennessee, since 1967.
The congregation has been distinguished over the years by the presence of consistent leadership. Spiritually motivated men have served as elders since 1928. Stability in the pulpit has been a hallmark of the congregation as well. M. F. Holt was the church’s first salaried minister, followed by Oliver Thompson and David Jones, Jr. who retired in 2015 after fifty two years as the congregation’s minister. Like those before him, he, and the elders, provided the vision and leadership that have kept the church true to God’s calling while meeting the obstacles presented by the changing times. Currently the congregation is served by eight elders, three ministers and eighteen deacons.
The congregation is known for its wide variety of ministries and outreach efforts, all of which are designed to help members fulfill our mission of edification, evangelism and benevolence. A prominent example is the evangelistic and benevolent missions in Nigeria dating back to 1966 when David Jones, Jr. traveled to West Africa and explored ways in which the church could be instrumental in spreading the gospel, enhancing educational opportunities and meeting basic health needs of Nigerians. Consequently, the Schrader Lane congregation led the way in establishing a school that teaches men to become preachers. A highly sought secondary school and a campus based medical facility were established as well. Ongoing evangelistic and benevolent commitments in Belize, Cameroon and other countries have characterized the history of the congregation.
Examples of our historic commitment to meeting needs of people include an independent living facility built in 1985, as well as an assisted living center built in 2002. The church opened a child care center under the direction of Carolyne Jones, the minister’s wife, in 1972. Currently the church operates two such centers. Serving the community through blood donor programs is a long-standing practice and example of the many benevolent and outreach commitments of the church since 1975. A community outreach entity – Christian Community Services, Inc., started in 1998 as a program to assist families in becoming self-sufficient. As part of our commitment to positively influencing the community’s youth, the church has been home base for scouting for boys and girls; provided tutoring to children in the community; and operated a summer educational enrichment and development series for youth for many years.
These and numerous other events contribute to the history that defines the Schrader Lane Church of Christ. Please visit our archive center at the church as well as our listing of ministries to know more about us.